You are most loving, patient, kind and gracious when you are aware that there is no truth that you could give to another that you don't desperately need yourself. You are most humble and gentle when you think that the person you are ministering to is more like you than unlike you. (p.23)If this is true (and I think it is) then the attitude I need to take with me when I open my Bible is one of introspection--one that says, "I need this most."
Have you ever thought you remembered the Bible saying something or other about that thing that really irks you in someone else? Have you ever picked it up only to search for that verse that could wither your opponent in an argument? Yeah, me too. We need to stop. We need to remember that aside for God's grace no human depravity is outside of our reach.
Imagine how the church would change if we integrated this philosophy into...
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