Thursday, December 24, 2009


Matthew 25:42
My kids needed no prodding to get out of bed this morning. It is only eight o'clock and they are already energized by the proximity of Christmas day. I must say it's catching!

It is convenient to be able to look at the calendar and see that the children's holiday is tomorrow. The house is in order, the presents are wrapped, and the dry cleaning has been picked up. We are ready for our guests. This is all true because set dates tend to drive us to preparedness.

Have you ever wished that God the Father operated that way? Imagine the frenzy on earth initiated by a sign from heaven that Jesus would come one week from today. How quickly would you get your spiritual house in order? Would you make sure to dust the shelves and sweep the corners? How long would it take you to bake those cookies and go have that conversation with your neighbor you've been putting off?

But God does not operate according to the timetable of any man. Only he knows the day or the hour (Mt. 24:36). Jesus told his disciples that their state of readiness, even though there is no set date, should be no different than if it were in a week. Why has he chosen to operate this way? Just imagine that two thousand years ago Jesus said he would return in the year 2020. Over sixty generations would come and go with no incentive to be ready! But Jesus said instead, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come."

I believe anticipation is one of the most neglected commands in the Bible. I don't hear people talking about readiness. You may be ready for Christmas, but are you ready for Christ?

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