So, how are those resolutions coming? You know, the ones you made back in December for 2010. I know, I know, it's painful to think about them. That's why so many of us aren't brave enough to even set any. Oscar Wilde said that, "Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account." Ouch! I guess it's hard to expect any different from a total hedonist. But, what is he saying here?
The sad philosopher here seems to say that men are bad and any attempts at goodness will turn out bad. Do you agree? Many do, and the result is a lack of resolutions. It's as if to say, "Why try when I know I'll fail?" You may be nodding as you look at your current resolution list. I can almost hear you thinking, nope, I didn't do that; nope, failed at that one too; why did I ever think that I could do this in the first place?"
Wilde is right to say that we have no goodness in and of ourselves. Any goodness within us is grown there by the Spirit of God (Gal. 5:16). His problem was that he kept trying to overcome his wickedness by toil and sweat. Incidentally, he finally gave up trying and succumbed to all kinds of temptations.
Whether you have fallen flat on your face with your eating resolution, or failed to gain victory over an area of sin in your life, it's important to remember the grace and forgiveness of God (1 John 1:9). Also, take encouragement from this reminder Paul gave the Romans:
For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin--because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.So, dust yourself off. Failure is a stepping stone to victory for those who overcome that self-pity look we wear sometimes. Take this moment to get back on track. Pray. Adjust your expectations and get that determined face on. The masses of humanity may be powerless over sin, but not the Christian!
Something struck me as I reread this. I ended with a reference to sin that ought to have summed up the whole argument. I did not. Not all resolutions are to kill a sin. Neither, incidentally are all resolutions made on New Year's Day.